Lyckligast i hela världen
Vilken harmoi. Jag känner mig som en helt ny människa. Hansons helt fantastiska låtar har nu peppat igång mig så det känns som jag kommer ha energi hur länge som helst.

Me and Emma doing yoga!
Vad sägs om en sån här galen text?
He says where he's from is called Albertane
There they use more than 10% of their brain
But you couldn't tell it from they way they behave
They run around in underwear and they never shave
Oh, Maybe I'm hallucinating, hyperventilating
Letting this big-toed bald man sitting here tell me about the sky
This is Mother Bird calling Baby Bird
Baby Bird come in, come in Baby Bird
For the love of Pete come in!
This is Baby Bird...sorry I was watching Court TV
Do you copy? Do you copy?
Of course we copy...
24 hours a color
För att inte tala om Look at you där dom säger Rätt åt dig. Jag lovar!
Jag vet: cause you'll be with me in my dreams...

Me and Emma doing yoga!
Vad sägs om en sån här galen text?
He says where he's from is called Albertane
There they use more than 10% of their brain
But you couldn't tell it from they way they behave
They run around in underwear and they never shave
Oh, Maybe I'm hallucinating, hyperventilating
Letting this big-toed bald man sitting here tell me about the sky
This is Mother Bird calling Baby Bird
Baby Bird come in, come in Baby Bird
For the love of Pete come in!
This is Baby Bird...sorry I was watching Court TV
Do you copy? Do you copy?
Of course we copy...
24 hours a color
För att inte tala om Look at you där dom säger Rätt åt dig. Jag lovar!
Jag vet: cause you'll be with me in my dreams...
Postat av: cecilia
var genast tvungen att plocka fram min hansonskiva och lyssna på look at you. du har rätt!! de säger rätt åt dig, på göteborgska t.o.m. :)
ah hanson.. ljuva tider...